Mobile web is rapidly becoming the most popular way for users to consume information on the Internet. Sites that are not optimized for mobile not only represent a poor user experience, but also can’t expect to perform well in mobile search. Google has announced the release of several ranking changes to improve the search experience for smartphone users. In other words, websites that are not properly configured for smartphones may be penalized in Google search results.
Responsive Web Design (RWD) insures smartphone compatibility
Creating a separate mobile site may not be a worthy investment, but using responsive web design is a cost-effective way to optimize for all devices that will help capture mobile search visits. Responsive design is all about automatically delivering your audience the content they want, within the context that they’re viewing it. This creates a user experience that works across all devices without changing URLs or HTML code. It also can eliminate the need for multiple versions of your site or app development.

The consumer has spoken. Smartphones have become the online browser of choice. Switching to a responsive design will help capture people searching from mobile devices.